International liaisons
European Commission
In 2003 EFCA offered the European Commission its service with respect to the development of the Clean Air For Europe (CAFE) Programme. This offer was accepted and the initiative resulted in a regular contact through a seat in the CAFE Steering Group.
In 2005 the Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution succeeded the CAFE Programme. EFCA continues to be involved in the implementation of the EU clean air policy in an informal way, through its liaisons with DG Environment in Brussels as well as the Joint Research Centre in Ispra.
The Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP)
In 2007 EFCA obtained accreditation with the CLRTAP as an observer at the Executive Body of the Convention and its working groups.
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
EFCA has Observer status at UNFCCC since 2010.
International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmenta; Protection Associations (IUAPPA)
EFCA maintains a specific relation with the International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Associations (IUAPPA) through mutual associate membership. While IUAPPA is serving the worldwide professional community with congresses and conferences which are characterized by a broad programming EFCA focuses at specialty topics and, at the smaller geographical scale, may have a more targeted and European approach. Most members of EFCA are active members in IUAPPA as well.