Turkish National Committee for Air Pollution Research (TUNCAP)
Head Office
- Dokuz Eylül University, Fac. of Engineering, Tinaztepe Campus. BUCA, T-35160 – IZMIR
- Tel.: +90-232-301 7213; Fax: +90-232-301 7210; E-mail: abayram@deu.edu.tr
Website: www.deu.edu.tr
- President : Prof. Dr Abdurrahman Bayram
- Past-president : Prof. Dr Aysen Müezzinoglu
Organization and objectives
TUNCAP was founded in 1992 to provide a scientific and technical information forum for individuals as well as representatives of associations and companies working towards the control of air pollution in Turkey. It has both corporate and individual members. TUNCAP is involved principally with research work on the environmental sciences and technologies in the field of air pollution and control.
- Encouraging, carrying out and sponsoring air pollution research and similar studies in Turkey; to carry out national studies and to collaborate with international organizations to develop technologies relevant to air pollution;
- Determining the role of energy in heating, traffic and industry in contributing to air pollution problems in Turkey and, in coordination with other private and government bodies, to show the way to control these sources to ensure that air quality remains at a high level;
- Exchanging information and sharing experiences on increasing combustion efficiencies or to apply other techniques which reduce emissions from point sources in the domestic, commercial and industrial sectors.
TUNCAP organized the IUAPPA Regional Conference in September 1997 in Istanbul in the field of Air Quality Management (AQM-1). A second conference (AQM-2) in this series was realised in Istanbul on September 2001 as an EFCA Conference; it was also accepted as an equivalent regional conference by IUAPPA. And in 2005 again AQM-3 was held in Istanbul in close collaboration with both IUAPPA and EFCA. These are between national symposia for air pollution control every two years in a different parts of the country.
Presently TUNCAP has a web site under the Dokuz Eylül University web to disseminate information on air pollution science at the national and international levels to its members (www.deu.edu.tr ).