- Joop van Ham, Claudia Mohr, Thomas Reichert and John Murlis, Policies on particulate matter miss adequate tools: organic aerosols. 19th ETH Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, Zurich, 28 June – 1 July 2015
- Joop van Ham, Thomas Reichert and John Murlis, Controlling the risks of particulate matter: size, numbers, chemical properties and forcing: how to proceed? Contribution in Special EFCA session at 7th Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases symposium, Amsterdam, 5-7 November 2014
- Joop van Ham, Thomas Reichert and John Murlis, Ultrafine particles and its fractions, 18th ETH Conference on Combustion-generated nanoparticles, Zurich, 22-25 June 2014
- Joop van Ham, Thomas Reichert and John Murlis, Towards a robust European policy on particulate matter. Editorial in special issue on ‘Year of Air’ in Pollution Atmosphérique, No 220, 23 December 2013
- John Murlis, Introduction EFCA. Closing Conference Year of Air, Strasburg, 9 December 2013
- Joop van Ham and Thomas Reichert, Particulate matter: EFCA views on possible metrics and the “One Atmosphere” approach. WeBIOPATR2013 – 4th Conference on particulate matter, Belgrade, Serbia, 2-4 October 2013
- Thomas Reichert and Joop van Ham, Opportunities for cost-effectiveness in atmospheric policies in the European Union. EFCA session ‘Co-benefits for Clean Air and Climate: Prominance of Black Carbon” at World Clean Air Congress, Capetown, South Africa, 29 September – 4 October 2013
- John Murlis, Joop van Ham and Thomas Reichert, Reducing impacts of Particulate pollution: opportunities for achieving air quality and climate change benefits. 8th Croatian Scientific and Professional Conference “Air protection 2013”, Sibenic, Croatia, 9-14 September 2013
- Joop van Ham and Thomas Reichert, Ultrafine particles: some views on preferred metrics. 17th ETH Conference on Combustion-generated nanoparticles, 23-26 June 2013
- J. van Ham, J.-M. Rambaud, G Fumarola, R. Mills, M.P.J. Pulles, P.J.A. Rombout, Linking air pollution and climate change in Europe: an EFCA perspective. EFCA session at 15th World Clean Air Congress, Vancouver, Canada, September 2010
- J.-M. Rambaud, Linking air pollution and climate change in local government’s actione plans: an EFCA prespective. EFCA session at 15th World Clean Air Congress, Vancouver, Canada, September 2010