Croatian Air Pollution Prevention Association (CAPPA)
Head office
- Ksaverska c. 2, 10000 ZAGREB
- Tel: (+385-1) 4682 580; Fax: (+385-1) 4673 303; Email:,
- President: Ranka Godec, Ph.D.
- Deputy President: Mr. Željko Stipić
- Secretary General: Ms. Nina Zovko
- International Coordinator: Gordana Pehnec, Ph.D.
Organisation and Objectives
Founded in 1973 as a regional society, it became a national association following Croatia’s recognition by the United Nations in 1992, and joined IUAPPA the same year. CAPPA joined EFCA in 1998. It is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation with individual and collective members. Its main objective is the protection of the environment from air pollution.
- Liaison and exchange of information with other national and international scientific and technical organisations concerned with air quality;
- Organisation of conferences, meetings and round table discussions on topical problems: National conferences entitled “Air Protection” have been organised every second year since 1997; The 14th International Conference “Air Quality: Assessment and Policy at the Local, Regional and Global Scales” held 2003 in Dubrovnik, Croatia was organised by CAPPA and IUAPPA; The CAPPA professional seminars “Determination of pollutants in air, water and soil by specific analytical techniques – introduction to the European standards” have been held every even-numbered year since 2000.
- Assisting government and other authorities in matters relating to air pollution including the preparation of regulatory acts, such as air quality guide and limit values (1996), and emission limits and control techniques (1997), following the Croatian Law on Air Quality (1995); Air Protection Act (2004, 2008, 2011, 2014) and Ordinance on Limit Values of Pollutants in the air (2005, 2012).
- Assisting in preparation of Croatian standards on air pollution.
- In 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019 CAPPA and EFCA co-organized special session within the national conference “Air Protection”