Policy Initiative No. 3
In July 2012 EFCA sent its third Policy Initiative to the European Commission “Black Carbon Particles: Opportunities to strengthen policies on Air Quality and Climate Change in Europe“. It includes a proposal from the scientific community in Europe made in 2011 to include Balck Carbon Particles as an additional indicator for the protection of human health and connects it with the need to reduce the emissions of Black Carbon to reduce global warming. Download Policy Initiative No. 3.
Policy Initiative No. 2
In 2010 EFCA delivered its second Policy Initiative “Linking air pollution and climate change – a challenge for European legislation“. It was based on a concise investigation which revealed that the existing legislation in the domains air quality and climate change was not supportive mutually in every respect and contained recommendations to improve the consistency of some present Directives. Download Policy Initiative No. 2.
Policy Initiative No. 1
In December 2004 the EFCA Assembly agreed on its first Policy Initiative on “Improving the effectiveness of CAFE“. It was sent as a Memorandum to the Member States of the European Union who were to agree in the next year on a Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution for the period 2005-2010 and to European policymakers and relevant stakeholders. It recommended approaches, in addition to the system of air quality limit values to improve health protection in Europe. Download Policy Initiative No. 1.