Head Office
- Oakwood House, 11 Wingle Tye Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 9HR, United Kingdom
- Tel.: +44 1444 236848; E-mail: Secretariat@iuappa.org.
Website: www.iuappa.org
- President: Prof. Selahattin Incecik, Turkey
- Immediate Past President: Dr K.C. Moon
- Vice-Presidents:
- Dr Young Sunwoo (Korea);
- …………….. (Brazil);
- Professor Giuseppe Zerbo (Italy);
- Prof. AlanW. Gertler (USA)
- Hon. Treasurer: Dr Young Sunwoo
- Director General till 31-12-2019: Richard Mills
- Director General from 1-1-2020: Dr Young Sunwoo
Organisation and Objectives
IUAPPA was founded in 1964 by six national associations; it now has 38 full members, associates and observers representing 40 countries. IUAPPA is developing a regional structure: in Europe EFCA is the relevant partner, in Asia this is ASEP; in South America a regional office has been established in Brazil. It is funded by annual subscriptions from members and grants and donations from appropriate organisations. IUAPPA is governed by an International Board, headed by the President, five Vice-Presidents, Immediate Past President and Treasurer with one representative of each other member organisation.
IUAPPA’s mission is to promote the prevention and control of air pollution, the protection of the environment and the adoption of sustainable development, by dissemination of the progress in scientific understanding, the development of skills and techniques, and its application of relevant and effective policies at national and international levels.
- Convening world congresses every three years;
- Sponsoring regional conferences for developing countries;
- Disseminating information about pollution legislation and control techniques;
- Encouraging wider scientific co-operation;
- Promoting research and developing programmes on international environmental issues;
- Liaising with other national and international scientific, technical and control organisations;
- Managing the Global Atmospheric Pollution Forum.
Current work covers, in particular, long-range transboundary air pollution, environmental problems of mega-cities, and climate change.
- IUAPPA Newsletter
- World Congress Proceedings (published by the Congress host organisation)
- Regional Conference Proceedings (published by the Conference host organisation)
- Transboundary Air Pollution: Feasibility Study of Global Integrated Assessment (2001)